Freelancing, automation and no-code

webinar #

Automation and no-code allow freelancers to save a lot of time.

✅ How to optimize your freelance Operations?

✅ What tools to use and how do they work?

✅ What opportunities does the no code bring?

These are the questions that will be answered:

👉 Orane Massias: Founder of Tropical Digital, WordPress agency for startups and freelancers in the community crème de la crème

👉 Thibault Marty: Bubble Master and Founder of Ottho, a learning platform to create your app without code

On the program:

➡️ 12:00-12:30 p.m.: Optimizing your time as a freelancer through automation and no-code by Orane Massias.

➡️ 12h30-13h: The business opportunities of no code by Thibault Marty


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